Macro Shooting Tips: How To Do Macro Photography With A Normal Lens?

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      Macro photography is a fascinating genre of photography that allows you to capture the intricate details of small subjects such as insects, flowers, and other tiny objects. While many photographers invest in expensive macro lenses to achieve this, it is possible to achieve great results with a normal lens. In this post, we will explore some tips and techniques for doing macro photography with a normal lens.

      Understanding Macro Photography

      Before we dive into the tips and techniques, it’s important to understand what macro photography is. Macro photography is a type of close-up photography that captures the subject at a 1:1 ratio or greater. This means that the subject is captured at life-size or larger on the camera’s sensor. Macro photography requires a high level of technical skill and patience, as it can be challenging to get the subject in focus and properly lit.

      Choosing the Right Lens

      The first step in doing macro photography with a normal lens is to choose the right lens. While any lens can be used for macro photography, some lenses are better suited for this type of photography than others. A lens with a focal length of 50mm or longer is ideal for macro photography, as it allows you to get close to the subject without disturbing it. A lens with a wide aperture, such as f/2.8 or wider, is also recommended, as it allows you to blur the background and isolate the subject.

      Using Extension Tubes

      Extension tubes are a great accessory for macro photography with a normal lens. Extension tubes are hollow tubes that fit between the camera body and the lens, increasing the distance between the lens and the sensor. This allows you to focus closer to the subject, effectively turning your normal lens into a macro lens. Extension tubes come in different lengths, and the longer the tube, the closer you can focus on the subject.

      Using a Reversing Ring

      Another option for macro photography with a normal lens is to use a reversing ring. A reversing ring is a simple accessory that allows you to mount the lens backward on the camera body. This effectively turns the lens into a macro lens, as it allows you to focus much closer to the subject. Reversing rings are inexpensive and easy to use, making them a great option for photographers on a budget.

      Using a Close-up Filter

      A close-up filter is another accessory that can be used for macro photography with a normal lens. A close-up filter is a simple lens that screws onto the front of your lens, allowing you to focus closer to the subject. Close-up filters come in different strengths, and the stronger the filter, the closer you can focus on the subject. While close-up filters are not as effective as extension tubes or reversing rings, they are a good option for photographers who want to experiment with macro photography without investing in expensive equipment.


      Macro photography with a normal lens is a challenging but rewarding genre of photography. By choosing the right lens and using accessories such as extension tubes, reversing rings, and close-up filters, you can achieve great results without breaking the bank. With practice and patience, you can capture the intricate details of small subjects and create stunning macro photographs.

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