Why Are My Peanut Butter Cookies So Crumbly? Don’T Worry, Here’S The Solution!

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      Peanut butter cookies are a classic treat that many people enjoy. However, sometimes they can turn out crumbly and dry, which can be disappointing. In this post, we will explore the reasons why peanut butter cookies can be crumbly and how to avoid this problem.

      Reasons for crumbly peanut butter cookies

      1. Overbaking

      One of the most common reasons for crumbly peanut butter cookies is overbaking. When cookies are baked for too long, they can become dry and crumbly. To avoid this, make sure to set a timer and check the cookies regularly to ensure they are not overbaked.

      2. Too much flour

      Another reason for crumbly peanut butter cookies is using too much flour. When there is too much flour in the dough, it can absorb too much moisture, resulting in dry and crumbly cookies. To avoid this, make sure to measure the flour accurately and not pack it too tightly.

      3. Not enough fat

      Peanut butter cookies rely on fat for their texture and flavor. If there is not enough fat in the dough, the cookies can turn out dry and crumbly. To avoid this, make sure to use enough butter or oil in the recipe.

      4. Not enough liquid

      Similarly, if there is not enough liquid in the dough, the cookies can turn out dry and crumbly. Make sure to use enough liquid, such as milk or eggs, to keep the dough moist.

      5. Using natural peanut butter

      Natural peanut butter, which is made without added oils or sugars, can be drier than regular peanut butter. If you are using natural peanut butter in your recipe, you may need to add more fat or liquid to compensate.

      How to avoid crumbly peanut butter cookies

      1. Follow the recipe

      To avoid crumbly peanut butter cookies, it is important to follow the recipe carefully. Measure the ingredients accurately and follow the instructions for mixing and baking.

      2. Use the right peanut butter

      Make sure to use the right type of peanut butter in your recipe. Regular peanut butter, which contains added oils and sugars, will produce a moister cookie than natural peanut butter.

      3. Adjust the recipe

      If you have tried a recipe and found that the cookies are still crumbly, you may need to adjust the recipe. Try adding more fat or liquid, or reducing the amount of flour.


      In conclusion, crumbly peanut butter cookies can be caused by a variety of factors, including overbaking, too much flour, not enough fat or liquid, and using natural peanut butter. To avoid this problem, make sure to follow the recipe carefully, use the right type of peanut butter, and adjust the recipe if necessary. With these tips, you can enjoy delicious, moist peanut butter cookies every time.

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