How to avoid the problem of bubbling on Chinese-style wallpaper?

Chinese-style wallpaper has become the first choice for many home decorations with its unique cultural charm and exquisite pattern design. However, while enjoying its beauty, the problem of wallpaper bubbling is often a headache. This not only affects the visual effect of the wallpaper, but may also cause damage to the wallpaper and shorten its service life. Therefore, it is particularly important to understand how to avoid bubbling of Chinese-style wallpaper. This article will discuss in detail from multiple aspects how to effectively prevent wallpaper bubbling to ensure that your home decoration is both beautiful and durable.

1. Choose high-quality wallpaper and glue

Choose wallpaper materials with good breathability: Wallpapers of different materials have different breathability, and wallpapers with poor breathability are more likely to bubble due to damp walls or temperature changes. It is recommended to choose materials with good breathability such as non-woven fabrics and pure paper, which can effectively reduce the bubbling caused by moisture.

When purchasing, you can ask the salesperson about the breathability of the wallpaper and check the relevant test reports of the product.

Use special wallpaper glue: Special wallpaper glue usually has better viscosity and stability, which can reduce the bubbling problem caused by uneven glue or insufficient viscosity. In addition, the formula of special glue is more suitable for the characteristics of wallpaper and can provide a longer-lasting pasting effect.

Avoid using ordinary glue or inferior glue, which may not provide sufficient stickiness or produce bubbles during the drying process.

2. The importance of wall treatment

Ensure that the wall is flat and clean: Before applying wallpaper, you must ensure that the wall is flat and has no bumps. You can use sandpaper to polish the wall, remove the raised parts, and fill the sunken places. If the wall is not flat enough, bubbles are easy to form after the wallpaper is applied.

At the same time, the wall must be clean and free of impurities such as oil, dust, etc. You can use a mild detergent to wipe the wall and then dry it thoroughly.

Do a good job of moisture-proof treatment: For rooms with high humidity (such as bathrooms and kitchens), moisture-proof treatment should be carried out before wallpapering. You can use moisture-proof paint or moisture-proof film to cover the wall to isolate moisture.

Check the ventilation of the room regularly to maintain good air circulation and reduce the impact of moisture on wallpaper.

Chinese-style wallpaper

3. Correct construction steps

Apply base film: Before applying wallpaper, apply a layer of base film on the wall. The base film can enhance the adhesion between the wall and the glue, and at the same time play the role of sealing the wall and reducing moisture penetration.

Apply the base film evenly and wait for it to dry completely before proceeding to the next step.

Tips for applying glue: Apply the glue evenly, neither too thick nor too thin. Too thick glue can easily prolong the drying time of the wallpaper and increase the risk of bubbling; too thin glue may not provide sufficient stickiness.

Use a roller or brush to apply the glue evenly on the back of the wallpaper, and pay attention to the edges and corners.

Paste from top to bottom: When pasting wallpaper, start from one corner of the room and gradually spread to the opposite side. This can avoid the problem of bubbling caused by too large a one-time pasting area.

Use a scraper to scrape from the middle to both sides for each part to remove bubbles. When encountering corners or switches and sockets, be especially careful to avoid wrinkles or bubbles.

Use professional tools to assist: Use professional wallpaper pasting tools, such as scrapers, pressure wheels, etc., to help better flatten the wallpaper and remove bubbles. These tools can provide uniform pressure to ensure that the wallpaper fits tightly to the wall.

During the pasting process, the angle and strength of the tool should be constantly adjusted to adapt to different wall conditions.

4. Post-care and maintenance

Regular inspection: Even if the construction is done properly, the wallpaper may bubble during use for various reasons. Therefore, it is very important to check the status of the wallpaper regularly. Once signs of bubbling are found, measures should be taken in time to deal with it.

For mild bubbling, you can use a syringe to inject glue into the bubble and then smooth it out; for severe bubbling, you may need to re-paste the wallpaper.

Maintain appropriate indoor humidity: Too high or too low indoor humidity may affect the status of the wallpaper. Too high humidity will cause the wallpaper to absorb moisture and expand and bubble; too low humidity will make the wallpaper too dry and crack.

Use a humidifier or dehumidifier to adjust the indoor humidity and keep it within a suitable range (usually 40%-60%). At the same time, pay attention to opening windows for ventilation regularly to keep the air flowing.

Avoid direct contact with water sources: Although many Chinese-style wallpapers have certain waterproof properties, long-term contact with water sources may still cause bubbling or other problems. Therefore, avoid splashing water directly on the wallpaper in daily life.

If the wallpaper is accidentally soaked in water, it should be immediately absorbed with a dry cloth and the wallpaper should be allowed to dry naturally as soon as possible. If necessary, you can use equipment such as a hair dryer to accelerate the drying process.

5. Measures for special environments

Additional protection against humid environments: For particularly humid rooms (such as basements, rooms near water sources), in addition to the above basic measures, you can also consider using wallpaper materials and glues with stronger moisture-proof properties. In addition, dehumidification equipment can be set up in the room to reduce the humidity level.

In extremely humid environments, you can even consider using waterproof coatings instead of wallpaper as wall decoration materials.

Solve the problem of thermal expansion and contraction: Temperature changes can cause objects to expand and contract, which is also one of the common reasons for wallpaper bubbling. When choosing wallpaper and glue, you can consider those products with good elasticity so that they can adapt to the slight deformation of the wall when the temperature changes and are not easy to bubble.

In addition, leaving a certain gap (usually a few millimeters) during construction can also help relieve the pressure caused by thermal expansion and contraction. But the gap should not be too large to avoid affecting the appearance.

Through the above detailed analysis and suggestions, we can see that it is not difficult to avoid bubbling of Chinese-style wallpaper. As long as we do our best in all aspects such as material selection, construction, and maintenance, we can effectively reduce or even avoid the problem of wallpaper bubbling. I hope this article can provide useful reference and help for your home decoration, so that your Chinese-style wallpaper can maintain its beautiful and elegant effect for a long time.